Many people think that golf is a game for the elite. And indeed, not every person has played this game at least once. However, the rules of golf are quite interesting, and the game itself brings a lot of positive emotions, so in this article we will talk about the basic rules of this sport. And if you want to not only get bright emotions but also earn money – try to play tonybet slot games.
A Brief History of Golf
Golf originated 1000 years ago in China, but the modern version of the game originated in Scotland in the 1400s. The first official mention of golf was in 1457, when the Scottish Parliament banned the game, as it was a distraction from military training, which harmed the country’s national security. Obviously, the Scots preferred the game of golf to the art of archery.
The modern game of golf and the first golf clubs originated in Scotland. The first written rules of golf were also created there. The first tournaments with a well-thought-out concept were held between Scottish cities. Soon the game of golf spread throughout England, and then around the world. The oldest golf course is Old Links at Musselboro Racecourse.
What is a Handicap?
A handicap is an indicator of the skill of a golfer, the lower it is, the stronger the player is in front of you. Handicaps can be applied in any format of the game, but only among amateurs, there is no handicap system in professional golf.
The handicap is calculated according to certain rules based on the rounds played by the golfer, subject to certain requirements (qualifying rounds). The handicap system allows players of different levels to compete on an equal footing.
Most golf courses will not allow playing on the course without a handicap no higher than that set by a particular club. Usually, for women, the value of the playing handicap should be no higher than 36, for men – no higher than 28. A player’s handicap is confirmed either by the National Golf Association / Federation or by the Club of which the player is a member.
Golf Rules
The rules of golf are quite strict, and in most cases, players are allowed to use some imagination and their own strategies to win the match.
The essence of the game is to complete all the holes on the field in the least number of strokes. Therefore, it is important for players to train both long shots, which allow them to get from the tee to the green as quickly as possible, and accurate short rolls, which allow them to cover a short distance and hit the target. There are quite a lot of rules in golf that can be combined into several provisions.
Interestingly, in match competitions, each hole is considered a separate element of the competition. One point is awarded for each hole taken. It is from this score that the winner is determined. To win the fight for the hole, you need to pot the ball from the least number of attempts.
Be sure to play all the holes in order. On each playing field, they are numbered from 1 to 9 or 18. Therefore, in competition, golfers must complete them all. Before moving on to the next hole, you must hit the ball into the previous one.
Golf is an exceptionally intelligent and tolerant game, therefore, in addition to the basic rules, there is also an etiquette that must be followed. By the decision of the judges, a player may be penalized a certain number of points in a match for violating etiquette.
The most important accessory is definitely a stick. There are a lot of varieties of them: a separate stick can be used for each hit. But in total, the player has the right to use no more than 14 pieces on the field.
In general, clubs are divided into the following types:
- “Wood” – a tool for striking from the launch pad. They provide the maximum range of the ball. They got their name from the English word “wood”, which means tree, due to its wooden head.
- “Iron” – clubs for striking at different distances, taking into account the location of the ball. Their heads are made of metal and differ in their shape. So, for small trajectories with a high flight radius, the “pitching wedge” accessory is used with a head tilt angle of 50-60 degrees.
- “Putter” is a tool for moving the ball in the “green” area. This stick allows you to make accurate shots.
All clubs have their own number, depending on the angle of the head. The lower the number, the farther the projectile will fly.