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Five Things You Didn’t Know About Casinos

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Casinos

Americans have a serious love affair with casino gambling. That’s great, but to keep it great you need to curb your enthusiasm at times and play within your bankroll. Believe it or not, the casinos were built to give you a chance to make lots of money. Your chances of doing so are pretty slim, but there’s always that chance, and that’s what keeps us playing. Of course, you already knew that, but you might not know a few other things.

5 Things You Might Not Know About Casinos


Casinos really don’t mind if you win. Although card counters and advantage players may be asked to stop playing, gaming management and dealers really don’t mind if you win. It’s good for business because a happy customer tells others about their experience, and most players are just holding their winnings for a while until they come back and try again.

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